IP Inclusive North of England Event

5 Minutes

“Flexible Working: making it work for you and others”: IP Inclusive’s North of England Network's inaugural panel discussion is taking place on Tuesday 8th October at 3.30pm. Our Associate Director Lisa Kelly will be joining the panel along with Chris Burnett, Patent Attorney at Birkett Long LLP, Ruth Gawthorpe, CEO at The Smart Working Revolution and The Change Directors and Heather Scott, Partner and Patent Attorney at Gill Jennings & Every LLP.

The event is being hosted at HGF’s Leeds office and will be chaired by IP Inclusive's Lead Executive Officer, Andrea Brewster with an introduction from Vanessa Stainthorpe, HGF Partner and one of the founding members of IP Inclusive’s North of England Network.

The discussion is being broadcast live to the following venues, providing a valuable opportunity to share flexible working ideas and experiences with fellow IP professionals at all levels within different roles across the North of England:

Liverpool: hosted by WP Thompson. 
Manchester: hosted by Marks & Clerk. 
Newcastle: hosted by Definition IP. 
Sheffield: hosted by Withers & Rogers. 
York: hosted by Murgitroyds.

To reserve your free place please click here

We look forward to seeing you there!