LCF Law - A Law Firm that inspires inclusion for everyone


This year International Women’s Day is focusing on inspiring inclusion, with the aim of forging a better and more inclusive world for women. At LCF Law, inclusion is at the heart of the firm’s ethos. 

Partner and disputes resolution solicitor at LCF Law, Ragan Montgomery, explained: When I started at LCF Law as a one-year qualified solicitor 21 years ago, it was immediately obvious that the firm promoted gender parity and fostered an environment where everyone can be themselves. 

Within five years of working for LCF Law I was promoted to associate and then progressed to partner level in 2012, whilst working part time. At the time this wasn’t the norm in the legal industry, and I distinctly remember friends who worked for other legal firms being shocked that I had been made a partner whilst not being full time. 

LCF Law was definitely pioneering in this respect, and this inclusive approach is something that has enabled me and many others to progress in our careers, whilst also being able to be there for our children. Never have I had to put my career goals on hold or been thought less of because I wanted to balance being a first-rate lawyer with being able to collect my children from school for example. 

Over the years as my children have grown up, I have been able to adapt my working hours accordingly, so it’s very much a family friendly firm that supports working parents. Crucially this inclusivity extends to anyone who has commitments in their personal lives, who will be given the same flexibility and opportunities. So, those members of our team with sporting passions and commitments to community clubs or charities for example are also given the same backing to achieve a good work life balance. 

Currently 58% of our fee earners and partners are female, which is a clear indication of how the firm’s inclusive approach has enabled them to keep progressing throughout the different stages of their working and personal lives. The mentorship provided by senior partners is also a big part of this. I believe that always being encouraged to take on new challenges and seeing that belief from others in your ability has played a huge part in my success.

This enabled me to become a specialist in contentious disputes and mediation in relations to wills, probate, and trusts. Several senior partners at the firm really helped me to develop this career route, and even though it sounds a bit cheesy, I feel that I’m able to make a real difference to people’s lives as a result. 

I’ve worked for a huge variety of clients, with several standout cases, such as acting for a young adult with learning difficulties, whose sister stole her share of their parents’ will. Helping her to get what she was entitled to, and ultimately ensuring that she will be able to lead a fuller life, and not rely solely on benefits, was incredibly rewarding. I’ve also been in the privileged position of helping many women who have either been excluded from their partner’s will or where no will has been left at all. Some have been left destitute, all whilst grieving, and helping those women through such an emotional and stressful situation is what drives me. 

Now as I head the disputes department, I’m hugely dedicated to continuing to develop an inclusive environment for all, where everyone and their ideas are treated fairly and equally. Twenty-five years ago, the legal industry was not as open or as accommodating of people with neurodiverse needs for example, but that is changing, and we as a firm are committed to promoting that too. 

The legal industry is both a challenging and dynamic environment, but it also needs to be open to change and be more inclusive. The law is always changing, as is society’s expectations of lawyers and with the advent of all sorts of clever technology and a more open-minded approach, more people than ever can now pursue a legal career and it’s our job to help encourage that. 

At LCF Law everyone has a voice in a supportive environment that helps people to take on new challenges and find ways round anything that might be holding them back – which ultimately is what inclusivity is all about.

For more information about International Women’s Day, which is on the 8th March, visit: