Lockdown 3.0 – Does This Change Anything For The Legal Recruitment Market?

5 Minutes

The last 10 months have felt like Groundhog Day for many with the variety of lockdowns and restrictions we’ve endured however, there are clear distinctions between the lockdowns when it comes to the legal recruitment market.

In March, all but a few roles were put on hold as the world grinded to a halt to focus on the most pressing matters in hand – keeping their staff members safe and managing workflow for clients. 

As we moved into the Summer the legal market started to open up with many areas busier than pre-pandemic and as we moved towards the Winter months, despite going into lockdown 2.0 it was ‘business as usual’ in regard to the volume and variety of roles we were working on. Clients were confident conducting interviews and onboarding remotely and with growing confidence in the wider economy, the demand to recruit remained high during lockdown.

So, what does the legal recruitment market look like now we’re in our third (and hopefully, final) lockdown? The short answer is we are recruiting for more jobs now than we would traditionally be at this time of year.

For context, December and January can be quieter recruitment months as clients slow down toward Christmas and kick start again in the New Year however, nothing about the past year has been normal (!) and our client’s appetite to recruit during this traditionally quieter time is a welcome change from normality.

We saw new roles come in right up to the Christmas break and the volume of roles since opening again in the New Year is much higher than previous. With a vaccine on a horizon, a new financial year incoming and the business our clients are experiencing– recruiting the right people remains a priority.

If you’d be interested in discussing the ever-changing market and what roles would be available for someone of your background, then please do get in touch as it’s an exciting time to be considering a move.