Sacco Mann Talks To… Rachel Roche at Roche Legal

5 Minutes

For our next Sacco Mann Talks To... get to know Rachel Roche, Managing Director at Roche Legal


Tell us about your role at Roche Legal. What do you like the most about it? 

I’m essentially a sole practitioner although my business is a limited company now. I set the firm up from my spare room in 2014 and it’s gone from there. My role is really varied, between fee-earning, business development, implementing processes and procedures, and generally spending time improving the firm to make things better year on year. This is both from the point of view of making things easier for staff, as well as for clients. I also take a keen interest in innovation and technology. 

What would you say has been the highlight of your career to date?  

Winning the inaugural Law Society Sole Practitioner of the Year Award in 2018. 


Here’s what the Law Society said:

“Rachel truly gives us a glimpse into the future of sole practice. By using technology to provide new ways of doing things, she manages to both address a legal need and provide a valuable and accessible service to clients. By providing invaluable free advice through self-published booklets she de-mystifies the law and attracts and maintains clients.”

Who has been the most influential person in your career?

I look up to other lawyers who have set up their own firms and take inspiration from their journeys. I wouldn’t like to name anyone here but there are some really inspirational lawyers and business owners I’ve come across along the way. Sometimes, I might see if I can contact them for their advice or top tips on the things they have learnt over the years. I, too, enjoy sharing my experiences with other sole practitioners and owners of small firms/businesses as we can really help each other. 

What does Roche Legal do well? What sets it apart from its competitors? 

We are a niche firm specialising in private client work. I think our clients come to us because we aren’t a full-service law firm, and they want bespoke advice from specialists. We are routinely recommended to new clients, by other niche law firms. We spend a lot of time thinking about the ways in which our clients instruct and stay in touch with us. I think we are good at putting ourselves in the clients shoes and trying to make their experience as stress free and seamless as possible.  

What is your “vision for the future” for Roche Legal? 

The answer to this is top secret! 

What do you feel are the main obstacles law firms need to overcome, in order to succeed in today’s environment and beyond?

It’s no secret that the law still has a stuffy and old-fashioned reputation in many circles. It’s hard to get the message out to the public that not all lawyers are like this. That said, we have a responsibility as solicitors to work to overcome this reputation together. It is unhelpful, for example, when the marketing strategy of a supposedly forward-thinking lawyer is to criticise the small percentage of the profession who aren’t forward thinking and who are stuck in their ways. I think these solicitors would do well to think about the profession as a whole rather than taking an inward-looking approach. 

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give yourself as a junior lawyer, both generally and in terms of shaping your career?

Keep an open mind about what career options are available. The variety of jobs in legal is changing and evolving rapidly. Take note of what you’re good at and what you do and don’t like to do and use this to help guide you into the role that’s right for you. 

What are the main qualities you look for in potential candidates hoping to join your team?

I think ‘team’ here is the operative word! I like to see candidates who can provide genuine examples of how they have worked effectively with others in the past, and candidates who can show a good level of general resourcefulness. I also think it’s important to me to have people on my team who are alive to suggestions as to how to improve things - not just for their own role or themselves, but for the team as a whole and our clients. 

What would you like to say to lawyers out there, considering Roche Legal for their next career move? 

See above! 

And finally, what is your one big prediction for the legal industry in 2021? 

Ah, there are a few thoughts on this in my new book: How to Start a Law Firm