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5 Minutes

The early part of a New Year is a natural time for reflection on our professional lives and many people will be wondering when the right time is to start searching for a new role. Some will have their heart set on finding a new role as soon as possible, yet others might have ideas to look over the summer or towards the end of the year depending on their circumstances. Whether you are going to be looking this month, the end of the year or sometime in between, it really benefits you to connect with and engage in regular dialogue with a recruiter as early as you can.  

As Specialist Legal Recruiters, much like Lawyers, a lot of our time is spent building networks and connecting with people. The foundation of what we do as Recruiters is built on those connections and as a business, we are always keen to expand on that. We are always keen to speak to as many people in the legal field as possible even if they aren’t looking for a role right now.

Candidate Review - 

I have known and used Sacco Mann for many years both for my own personal career progression and as a recruiter to fill external vacancies. Sacco Mann are my "go to" recruitment agency both personally and for filling vacancies. Their skills are in listening to you and understanding your needs and objectives and matching you up perfectly with the employer.  What you don't get is lots of mismatched candidates/positions and the jobs that I successfully applied for through Sacco Mann were excellent jobs

Getting in touch with us early will benefit you in a number of ways. People sometimes say they don’t want to reach out to us when they aren’t looking for a new role because they don’t want to waste our time (or theirs!), but this couldn’t be further from the truth from both perspectives. At any given time, we can really get to understand and know you, provide you with insight into the market, salaries, what other firms are doing, benefits plus more. 
At Sacco Mann we operate a consultancy style approach to finding people their ideal role. We aren’t short sighted and would never shoehorn any candidate into a role that isn’t 100% right for them. Over half of our revenue comes through happy candidates we have either returned to us or have referred their friends/colleagues to us. So, we are keen to offer the best service possible. 
One of our specialist recruiters will speak to you, find out exactly what motivates you, what you want from your career and be able to give you insight into the market as a whole, which no other legal recruitment business in the region can match. The chances are that when you first do speak to us, your ideal role might not be available. It might be though, given that we are in a really job heavy and candidate short market currently, but that also would give you something to think about. 
By understanding your motivations and what drives you, if something comes along that’s a little bit special and would suit your ambitions to a T, we can run it by you. If you’re not yet ready at that point, that’s absolutely fine, we won’t put any pressure on you to go forward for it. But most people we speak to, when that dream role does come along, are happy to look at it a little bit earlier than they initially planned as they do not want to miss out on the perfect role. What I am trying to say is that it is much better to be informed about the market and what is out there so you can decide as and when, as opposed to missing out on those opportunities completely.
The recruitment process can take a while and it can also be really quick depending on individual circumstances. We are currently working with some fantastic candidates who we are speaking to but likely won’t be making a move until the end of the year, however they were keen to get in touch with us early to have regular dialogue and build a long-term relationship so they could have a good understanding of the market. They are also aware that one day they may need to recruit into their team so having a great relationship with a recruiter can help from both sides of the fence. 
We can handle your process from cradle to grave and that is what we are best at. Talking to us early and building a long-term relationship will help us understand more about yourself; your background, your situation, what drives you etc. All of this means that we will be better suited to find you your dream role when the time comes, whenever that may be.