What Motivates Lawyers?

5 Minutes

In our recent Salary Survey, Sacco Mann thought it would be a good idea to analyse the motivations of employees on a day to day basis and in comparison to those perceived by their employers.

So what did we find?

The most glaring findings revolved around what were the most and least important matters to the employees; career prospects and working hours. 

For individuals the working hours were of paramount importance, interestingly the employers thought that this would be far less important and that career prospects should top the chart, in actual fact career prospect were next to last, only to bonus opportunity within the table!

In a time when some firms were hoping to move towards more bonus driven remuneration this is perhaps quite worrying, although employers did seem to recognise that bonus may not have the motivational impact that they would like them to there still seems to be a desire to move in this direction.  We would ask employers to think carefully about how they incentivise staff and ensure that the more simple ‘revenue reward’ models are only used when appropriate as they can stifle the development of skills and traits that most employers are keen to encourage but that don’t necessarily drive revenue in the short term.

Looking at it from a more negative perspective, when asked what it was that would motivate employees to leave their current position the highest factor was money – weighing in at 70%.  This was followed closely by career prospects, then work/life balance.  Whilst location was also important benefits were generally not a major consideration.

You can see the full survey , if you however would like to have a one to one discussion with an experienced consultant about what this could mean for you or your firm please do get in touch with us by email or calling 0113 245 3338, 0161 831 6890 or 0203 440 5625.